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Human-centered research
We put the case that, the future home will be mostly single households.
Physical interaction with an object can help people from the primitive problem of being alone, loneliness.
Physical interaction with an object can help people from the primitive problem of being alone, loneliness.
Also, since the bird is destined to read data from its owner, recorded data will be connected with other users and give benefit back to the owner.
We did research on young people who are familiar with technology and live alone, and come up with their common problem and need.
The biggest common part was problems caused by smart device, and from there we set our goal to make people do less interaction with screen based smart device, but more with physical object.
ut the case that, the future home will be mostly single households.
The primitive problem of being alone, loni
The primitive problem of being alone, loni
Designing the bird
Since we’re trying to suggest new life habit, we elaborated human behavior against the object. Nudging is a way to reduce reactance not by removing the bad option but by adding attracting option. Chindogu is a concept that expanding the concept of usability from a usefulness to an experience level.
In the end, both of them are not about what it is, but about how it will be displayed, the context.
Service overview
Final product